I had a lot of fun making and naming this cocktail but to be honest, the name and the cocktail don't really go hand in hand. This cocktail was made with rose water and on a medicinal scale, Rose water is effective against combating many ailments such as sore throat and stuffy chest. Its also an amazing toner for skin and hair. This rose water is a food grade level so it is only added for the aromatics of the scent; however it you make the regrettable attempt to drink this, such as I did, you will literally feel like you were slapped with a bed of roses.
As for the name, I just felt it unselfish to not commemorate my dear Mama Liberia on her Independence Day (July 26, 1847).
The 1847
1.5 oz Tequila
2-3 slices of cucumber
½ oz. Cointreau
1 oz Rose Vermouth
.5 oz. Simple
½ oz. Lime Juice
¼ oz. Gin
2 drops Rose Water
Add Cucumber, Simple, Lime Juice, Muddle. Add all other ingredients and ice, Shake, strain into a coupe glass and Garnish with a clothes pin strawberry.
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